“New Zealand is so different, in the best way possible.”

Yasmeen standing by the water at Wellington waterfront.

A Biology major and Marketing minor student, Yasmeen Shaik’s journey to Victoria University of Wellington started at a university in Oregon. Craving adventure, she enrolled in a study abroad programme that brought her to Auckland for six months. Yasmeen fell in love with New Zealand and the person she became while living here, so when her exchange ended in Auckland, Yasmeen jumped at the chance to stay and transferred to Victoria University of Wellington to continue her undergraduate studies.

“What I’ve grown to appreciate the most is that I have a student-life balance here that’s actually balanced. At Victoria University of Wellington, I’m afforded the time to do things other than schoolwork and that has helped me grow personally. I’ve learned I’m a student that likes to go on hikes and take long walks around the city. I’ve learned I’m a student that enjoys taking time out to listen to and appreciate music. Every day I'm learning more about myself. I'm so glad I made this decision for both the present and future me.”

The right student-life balance

Since joining Victoria University of Wellington, Yasmeen has found the right student-life balance. She shares what it’s like being a student at Victoria University of Wellington: “I am truly engaged in my learning. My classes are small, which means lecturers are actually talking to the students and I feel comfortable asking questions. I am confident going into my assessments and genuinely enjoy assigned projects”.

Yasmeen loves having the choice of so many beautiful spots to study on Victoria University of Wellington’s campuses. “On the Kelburn campus, my favourite spot is the Murphy pedestrian bridge [an enclosed overpass with space to study and people watch]. On the Pipitea campus, I love the view out the large set of windows with the capital city’s ‘Beehive’ [one of New Zealand Parliament Buildings] in the background.

Though Yasmeen is a full-time student, she still finds time to enjoy life outside of university and explore. “I feel safe in Wellington and appreciate that I can walk around the city at any time of day or night.” She values the freedom of leaving her front door and embracing when a short walk turns into a long walk with the sun setting.  

“I take the long way walking in the city, just because I can.”

Yasmeen’s favourite spots in the city include walking along the city waterfront and down Cuba Street, spending time in Te Papa Tongarewa—Museum of New Zealand, sampling the many local coffee shops, buying seasonal fruits and vegetables from the Sunday Harbourside Market, and spending time at the Wildlife Sanctuary of Zealandia. Yasmeen recently purchased a membership to Zealandia, so she will be a New Zealand wildlife expert in no time!

Yasmeen sits at table with her laptop and notebooks.

One of Yasmeen's favourite places to study on Kelburn campus is the Murphy pedestrian bridge.

One of Yasmeen's favourite places to study on Kelburn campus is the Murphy pedestrian bridge.

Yasmeen is standing in front of a full length window.

Yasmeen enjoys a cup of coffee in Rutherford House, Pipitea campus, with the Beehive in the background.

Yasmeen enjoys a cup of coffee in Rutherford House, Pipitea campus, with the Beehive in the background.

A change for the better

Yasmeen is grateful for her instant connection to New Zealand. “I’m drawn to the kiwi way of life and have found myself making personal changes for the better, such as ‘consuming consciously’.” Yasmeen explains that at home in the United States, she often found herself overconsuming with the mindset of going for “more” and “bigger”. Yasmeen describes the kiwi way of consuming consciously “has opened my eyes to focusing only on things I need. Instead of treating shopping as an activity, I find a walk along the Wellington waterfront much more enriching”.

Yasmeen has also learned from living in New Zealand that she doesn’t need to do everything quickly. Citing the Just reuse! on campus initiative that bans disposable cups on campuses, she says, “I’ve been encouraged to sit down and have a cup of coffee instead of rushing off with my takeaway [to-go] cup. Since being in New Zealand, I feel more conscious of my actions and what I put my energy towards.”

“I like who I am becoming through these experiences. I feel like I am becoming the most authentic me and cultivating the life that I want.”

Another aspect of New Zealand culture that Yasmeen admires is the integration of Māori culture and te reo Māori into everyday life. “I love living in a place where people are actively working for fairness, and I can’t get enough of being a witness to the Māori culture gaining the respect that it always should have had.”

Support from the University

Drawing on the assistance of Student Services, Student Advisers, and Accommodation, Yasmeen describes the process of getting to Victoria University of Wellington as seamless. Yasmeen also utilised financial aid and was pleasantly surprised with the thoroughness and transparency of the process.

“I always felt that if I had an issue, it would get solved, and that comforted me greatly.”

Upon arriving in Wellington, Yasmeen said the International Team welcomed her with an orientation and were always there to point her in the right direction. She also joined the International Buddy Programme, and at the first event her and her buddy hit it off even before they realised they were buddies!

Advice to international students

Yasmeen recommends that new international students take advantage of all the events focused on helping students settle into Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington and New Zealand. “Go to the events and don’t be afraid to reach out for assistance as people are genuinely so helpful.”

To any student considering studying at Victoria University of Wellington, Yasmeen says: “Do it. Definitely do it!”

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